Homemade Ghee

Homemade Ghee

Ghee is one of those kitchen staples I have taken for granted for years.  Other than using it in Indian cooking I used it frequently when I was eating Paleo to heal.  I still mostly eat Paleo because I found it to work so well 

Castor Oil Basics

Castor Oil Basics

Castor Oil was used by Ancient Hebrews and in Traditional Chinese medicine, Indian Ayurveda, Ancient Egyptians and Mediterraneans for its rejuvenating health benefits including detoxification and fertility. For your own at home detox, apply cold pressed castor oil (preferably organic) in the middle of the 

Pumpkin Spice Paleo Scones

Pumpkin Spice Paleo Scones

This recipe is perfect for Fall and pumpkin spice cravings!  I personally am not a fan of pumpkin spice lattes but definitely indulge in my fair share of pumpkin pie & pumpkin spice baked goods throughout the Autumn. You can make it dairy free simply 

Heather’s Immunity Drink

Heather’s Immunity Drink

We were a fairly sick household in February.  I say fairly because it was not all at once but one at a time… thank you suppressed immune system… When I finally fell to a cold my lovely friend Heather delivered the ingredients for her amazing 

Hidden Sources of Sugar

Hidden Sources of Sugar

Let’s imagine you have been working on your diet and doing well. You are working toward a healthy diet and clean eating… even goals like 5k runs and exercise groups or (gasp) even a half marathon. The problem is, you have been told by your 

Sweet Potato Fries with Manjistha

Sweet Potato Fries with Manjistha

Having to avoid nightshades is frankly annoying.  Back in my pre-Hashimotos days when I was running 20-30 miles per week and cutting whole bags of jalapeños onto every meal I also enjoyed a nice fat burger with mushrooms, blue cheese and hot chips (French fries). 

Ancestral Lamb Meatballs

Ancestral Lamb Meatballs

Eating nose to tail might not be your definition of fun, but with some amazing hacks and tricks, it can be so delicious that even the hubs and suspicious children will gobble it up. Incorporating organ meats (offal) into recipes is incredibly nourishing, hormone balancing 

Beetroot Mint Latte

Beetroot Mint Latte

I’ve been craving rosé like mad of late in this hot summer weather! And although I love to treat myself to some clean crafted wine once a week or so, I’m not going to do that every night. So mid craving the other evening I 

Spiced Chaga Golden Milk

Spiced Chaga Golden Milk

I love golden milk on occasion.  It is so anti-inflammatory, calming, I love the earthiness of turmeric and sometimes it’s just nice to have a thicker drink! Occasionally I’ll throw in some cinnamon or something but recently a friend introduced me to a hand scrawled 

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie 🎃💛

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie 🎃💛

’Tis the season for pumpkin spice!  I’m not a big fan of pumpkin spice lattes because I am a coffee purist, but I do love a good pumpkin smoothie! I have boosted it with a powerful immune modulator, modified citrus pectin, as it is an extremely powerful