Sides & Dips

Sweet Potato Fries with Manjistha

Sweet Potato Fries with Manjistha

Having to avoid nightshades is frankly annoying.  Back in my pre-Hashimotos days when I was running 20-30 miles per week and cutting whole bags of jalapeños onto every meal I also enjoyed a nice fat burger with mushrooms, blue cheese and hot chips (French fries). […]

Fermented Guacamole (Regular & AIP)

Fermented Guacamole (Regular & AIP)

Who loves guac?!  Personally, I love guacamole… but I truly do not enjoy the speed at which I have to consume it so it does not turn brown.  Once in a while I will make fermented kefir guac which doesn’t brown, but I can no […]

Sweet Potato Truffle Fries (Hot Chips)

Sweet Potato Truffle Fries (Hot Chips)

When my husband was away in Ireland the first year before we joined him, I used to have a mom date with my cousin MacKenzie.  Sometimes other mom friends came as well, but after a bit she announced to my parents that I needed a […]

Cultured Kale & Beetroot Salad

Cultured Kale & Beetroot Salad

Well.  One of the saddest food losses I have had in the past year has been kale.  I know… “Kale! No kale! Woe is me!”  Seriously though… one of my favorite foods and life staples was massaged kale salad with tahini garlic dressing.  Gaaaahhhh… If […]

Kefir Cream Cheese (And Whey for Culturing)

Kefir Cream Cheese (And Whey for Culturing)

My son loves cream cheese.  When we were living in Ireland the kids were not allowed to go to school with peanut butter in their lunch, which is fair and common here as well, but it left me with a chink in my mom armor […]

Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Hummus (Cultured, Keto, Vegan)

Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Hummus (Cultured, Keto, Vegan)

Alright, my beauties.  As most of you know… cultured hummus is my thing, my jam, my baby.  I was strained to work within a particularly restrictive budget when we lived in Northern Ireland and frankly was overwhelmed and saddened by the lack of exciting food […]

Cultured Black Bean Dip (Vegan, Paleo Hacked)

Cultured Black Bean Dip (Vegan, Paleo Hacked)

This beauty is one I developed a few years back in Northern Ireland when I was struggling to get my kids to eat what I would call “good” food.  They would only eat black beans if they were somehow refried, cooked with a ham bone, […]

Cultured Green Olive Cauliflower Hummus (Keto, Vegan, AIP)

Cultured Green Olive Cauliflower Hummus (Keto, Vegan, AIP)

Hey my neighbors and friends.  It has been a while since I have posted a recipe.  That is in part because I have again begun to react to veggies, which is disheartening… but mostly because the state of our nation has been weighing heavily on […]

Cultured Cauliflower Fir Tip Hummus (Keto, Vegan)

Cultured Cauliflower Fir Tip Hummus (Keto, Vegan)

This cauliflower version of my fir tip hummus is one step further in the keto camp than my chickpea version.  I struggled with cauliflower hummus as a concept and found the flavor just too sulfuric until I realized it blended well with other elements to […]

Salade De Chou Rosé (Cultured Pink Continental Coleslaw)

Salade De Chou Rosé (Cultured Pink Continental Coleslaw)

My favorite way to do this coleslaw is as PINK Coleslaw. You can leave out the purple and red veggies and simply get a coleslaw, but this is prettier. Europeans are not inclined to dumping mayo in their cabbage and I found that although I […]