Einkorn Sourdough Bread

Einkorn Sourdough Bread

I’ve been making sourdough bread for years… our weekly pizza recipe is made from our sourdough recipe, but funnily enough I’ve never posted this loaf!  Likely it’s because I haven’t been able to eat grains in years… but of late, my son Matt has taken 

Grain-Free Rough Puff Pastry

Grain-Free Rough Puff Pastry

Because I like to put myself through a special kind of torture, I needed to come up with a Paleo version of rough puff pastry. As if it isn’t difficult enough to make it gluten-free. 😂 This is adapted from Nicole Powers’ recipe, but is 

White Chicken Chili

White Chicken Chili

This hearty White Chicken Chili is warming, creamy and comforting. This is perfect for Fall and a family favorite. I use Manchego because it is an A2 dairy sheep cheese, which is less inflammatory and frankly I can eat it. But for all of you 

Kale & Berry Summer Omega Superfood Salad with Tahini Dressing (Vegan & Paleo)

Kale & Berry Summer Omega Superfood Salad with Tahini Dressing (Vegan & Paleo)

It’s berry season! I usually buy up fresh cranberries in the fall and freeze them for year round use but this salad is wonderful with sliced strawberries, or tart blueberries or raspberries. Berries are chock full of antioxidants and a great addition to summer detox. 

Keto Paleo Pumpkin Bread (Banana, Apple)

Keto Paleo Pumpkin Bread (Banana, Apple)

This has become a family favorite and was adapted from a Healthy Recipes Blog recipe. I made a few changes, including ditching Stevia as it’s not always as clean as I would like due to it’s processing and is also used as birth control in 

Paleo Beef & Pepper Hand Pie

Paleo Beef & Pepper Hand Pie

Every time I have been pregnant I have craved Meat Pies.  It has been years since I have made it though, due to my healing journey… which, I have to say, must have worked well because I am pregnant again in my 40’s! 😂 I 

Sweet Potato Fries with Manjistha

Sweet Potato Fries with Manjistha

Having to avoid nightshades is frankly annoying.  Back in my pre-Hashimotos days when I was running 20-30 miles per week and cutting whole bags of jalapeños onto every meal I also enjoyed a nice fat burger with mushrooms, blue cheese and hot chips (French fries). 

Instant Pot Shredded Chicken

Instant Pot Shredded Chicken

This I feel goes without saying, but meal prep really helps during the week… and who doesn’t love shredded chicken?  I do a roast chicken most Sundays for dinner, but the kids prefer it shredded to put in tacos and lettuce boats.  It’s simply smart 

Malted Chocolate Smoothie with Maca for Hormone Balance

Malted Chocolate Smoothie with Maca for Hormone Balance

Of late this smoothie has been my go-to to get through the afternoon slump.  It’s how I break my fast for lunch, and carries me through my post homeschool run so I can tackle a bit of work with a fully functional brain.   I love 

Fermented Guacamole (Regular & AIP)

Fermented Guacamole (Regular & AIP)

Who loves guac?!  Personally, I love guacamole… but I truly do not enjoy the speed at which I have to consume it so it does not turn brown.  Once in a while I will make fermented kefir guac which doesn’t brown, but I can no