Essential Oil Hot Flash Calming Spray

Essential Oil Hot Flash Calming Spray

The topic of hot flashes came up a few times this week in my NTA class so I thought it was about time to post my essential oil spray that I have mixed in the past for clients who struggle with hot flashes.  You can 

Castor Oil Basics

Castor Oil Basics

Castor Oil was used by Ancient Hebrews and in Traditional Chinese medicine, Indian Ayurveda, Ancient Egyptians and Mediterraneans for its rejuvenating health benefits including detoxification and fertility. For your own at home detox, apply cold pressed castor oil (preferably organic) in the middle of the 

The Benefits of Dry Brushing

The Benefits of Dry Brushing

Do you want to help your lymphatic system work better and help your body gently detox, get circulation moving and reduce cellulite? If so, dry brushing is a great habit to get into, and adding oils to it adds to the benefits it has for 

What to Know About Progesterone

What to Know About Progesterone

As a woman, you have many different hormones to consider, which can affect your fertility and various other physical health issues. One of the hormones to be aware of is progesterone. Let’s chat about this hormone and how you can balance it properly. About Progesterone 

Ancestral Lamb Meatballs

Ancestral Lamb Meatballs

Eating nose to tail might not be your definition of fun, but with some amazing hacks and tricks, it can be so delicious that even the hubs and suspicious children will gobble it up. Incorporating organ meats (offal) into recipes is incredibly nourishing, hormone balancing 

Beetroot Mint Latte

Beetroot Mint Latte

I’ve been craving rosé like mad of late in this hot summer weather! And although I love to treat myself to some clean crafted wine once a week or so, I’m not going to do that every night. So mid craving the other evening I 

Spiced Chaga Golden Milk

Spiced Chaga Golden Milk

I love golden milk on occasion.  It is so anti-inflammatory, calming, I love the earthiness of turmeric and sometimes it’s just nice to have a thicker drink! Occasionally I’ll throw in some cinnamon or something but recently a friend introduced me to a hand scrawled 

Peppermint Coconut Ice Cream (Keto, Paleo)

Peppermint Coconut Ice Cream (Keto, Paleo)

I have a small obsession with mint.  So does my whole family… so something like this would be dangerous if it were not so flipping healthy!  It takes only about 5 minutes to whip up and then you have to let it chill in the 

Peppermint Adaptogen Hot Cocoa

Peppermint Adaptogen Hot Cocoa

*the product links in this post are outdated so if you would like the ingredients, you’ll need to open a Fullscript account with me. But The good news is you will save 20% on all of your supplements! 🙂 Sign Up Here.   This seems 

How to do a Coffee Enema for Detox

How to do a Coffee Enema for Detox

I was long convinced of the benefits of coffee enemas for months before I gathered all the pieces together to do one… and then it was months again until I actually used it.  I was terrified to try.  But the benefits speak for themselves and