
Mocha Mushroom Pumpkin Seed Smoothie

Mocha Mushroom Pumpkin Seed Smoothie

Hello!  It’s been an interesting season of figuring out my energy, weight fluctuations and what’s been behind them and frankly just balancing trying to homeschool three children with running a few businesses.  I have needed quick, simple and light lunch options to break my fast […]

Chocolate Black Tahini Superfood Smoothie 💛

Chocolate Black Tahini Superfood Smoothie 💛

This smoothie is dark and brooding with chocolate and black tahini and it is full of medicinal mushrooms, fermented fruits (think all the antioxidant benefits but keto) and sesame and sunflower for seed cycling in the luteal phase. I have boosted it with a powerful […]

Gretna Greens Smoothie

Gretna Greens Smoothie

Gretna Greens Smoothie 💚🥬 There’s nothing quite like a clean green smoothie to start the day or break your fast in the afternoon.  I had something like this for my breakfast for a couple years (I like routine!) and had to stop and adapt when […]

Nootropic Mocha Smoothie 🤎

Nootropic Mocha Smoothie 🤎

This is a treat of a smoothie with hints of Mexican Chocolate from the Magic Mushroom blend. I prefer Ancient Nutrition Vanilla Bone Broth Protein, which is available in my Wellevate Store.* If you want it extra chocolate, use Ancient Nutrition Chocolate Bone Broth Protein […]

Bluebell Smoothie (Vanilla Blueberry Lemon)

Bluebell Smoothie (Vanilla Blueberry Lemon)

All right… I’ve been making smoothies like mad and haven’t been posting them to the blog!  Guilty!  This is what life-as-homeschool-mom brings.  But these babies are so good I can’t let it go without sharing.  Stay tuned… more to come.  I struggle with pea protein […]

Aunt Edna’s Lemon Creamsicle Smoothie 🍋🍦

Aunt Edna’s Lemon Creamsicle Smoothie 🍋🍦

I don’t have an Aunt Edna, but my husband does.  I was playing a little naming game for smoothies on my @brennamaywellness instagram account a while back and we came up with some creative names… not all of which I have brought to the blog.  […]

Chocolate Mushroom Wattleseed Smoothie

Chocolate Mushroom Wattleseed Smoothie

This smoothie is boosted with protein, fiber and mineral rich Australian wattleseed as well as medicinal mushrooms, healthy fats, probiotics and bone broth protein to heal the gut. Ancient Nutrition Vanilla Bone Broth Protein is available in my Wellevate Store.  If you prefer a vegan […]

Chocolate Raspberry Nootropic Smoothie 🤎❤️

Chocolate Raspberry Nootropic Smoothie 🤎❤️

I am a sucker for chocolate & raspberry and since I have moved to slightly more paleo than keto a treat like this to break my fast is just that… a treat. It is chockers with antioxidants, healthy fats, brain boosting medicinal mushrooms and omega […]

Carrot Cake (Keto & Paleo)

Carrot Cake (Keto & Paleo)

I recently had my 40th Birthday.  I don’t feel particularly old… but I have been very contemplative this month.  Holding my life before God and thinking about family, prayer, habits, values & work amongst other things.  As some dear friends are also reaching 40 this […]

Dark Chocolate Chaga Cookies (Keto & Paleo Friendly)

Dark Chocolate Chaga Cookies (Keto & Paleo Friendly)

I have a new favorite… I don’t know if it will stand the test of time against my Dark Chocolate Espresso Mint Cookies but the trend of this basic recipe made from collagen and cacao has been a chewy chocolate hero.  These are not super sweet… so […]