I Completely Changed The Way I Clean.

I Completely Changed The Way I Clean.

Well folks, in light of Coronavirus and the massive shortage of things like paper towels and backup on shipping from Amazon, I finally took the plunge.  Quite a while back I went and watched a bunch of YouTuber Dr. Annie’s Experiments and am now sold on Norwex.  I have been for a while really, but now enough to make me join up thanks to the stress all the cleaning with bleaching has caused my body.  I also had a conversation with my friend Irina recently, whose expertise is in Environmental Law, and she was explaining to me how Lysol is so toxic that it kills spiders on contact because they breathe through their skin.  Yikes.  I knew it was bad but that was shocking. This is her advice:

“Essentially, keep in mind if a product has a strong smell (though pleasant) that means it has a bad or strong chemical that needs to be covered. Natural products are fine, many of them are, albeit expensive, and the fewer ingredients, the better. Wash most products surfaces if you can under some warm water and a dab of liquid soap and avoid fruit cleansers. The fewer the products we use, the better. The body needs natural protection and we often mess with the hormone balance by stripping off layers that actually are good to keep. After all people used to be healthy and beautiful long before grocery stores and malls.”

All the more reason to simplify and go clean now that we are even more concerned with keeping our immune systems healthy and supported!  Download the EWG.org app and have a look on their Skindeep Database to check your products.  This is one of the best things you can do to keep toxins out of your home.  If you can’t afford all this?  Take your shoes off at the door (your shoes drag a significant amount of toxins into your house!) and wash your hands often with a non-toxic soap! Check out how Norwex stands up against other cleaning cloths here:

I followed Dr. Annie, who is not a norwex consultant, previously and used her recommended e-cloths, knowing they work better than bleach at removing bacteria, but I have finally pulled the trigger on Norwex and am now a consultant as it fits with my clean and non-toxic lifestyle.  You can find the link in my shop or here.  As you may know, I suffer when I use toxic cleaners because I have autoimmune disease… and arguably I have autoimmune disease because I used toxic products for so long.  Needless to say I am tired of my hair falling out trying to keep my family safe so I have added Norwex to my armory.  If you’re interested in learning more, please contact me!  I have also learned that a favorite of mine, Primally Pure, now has hand sanitizer!  Which is pretty fantastic considering our current world events.  Here’s to staying safe, clean & healthy.

Let’s stay in the light!

Brenna xo

NOTE* I will earn income from these links.  This is a way that I am supporting my family, now more than ever through this time.  Please have a look in my shop tab for discounts and all my clean recommendations!  xxo