
Homeschooling and STEM

Homeschooling and STEM

Hey all, It’s been a while since I last posted.  My recipe maker has been on the fritz and so I am sorting that out… and I am several recipes behind until that is fixed!  Woot.  So fun. With my autoimmune disease I go through […]

Cultured Cauliflower Fir Tip Hummus (Keto, Vegan)

Cultured Cauliflower Fir Tip Hummus (Keto, Vegan)

This cauliflower version of my fir tip hummus is one step further in the keto camp than my chickpea version.  I struggled with cauliflower hummus as a concept and found the flavor just too sulfuric until I realized it blended well with other elements to […]

Cultured French Style Mustard (Dijon)

Cultured French Style Mustard (Dijon)

Mustard is my all time favorite condiment. Which is helpful considering things like ketchup and barbecue sauce are off limits in the Autoimmune Protocol. I often have a jar of cultured mustard in the fridge that I’m working through and one on the counter fermenting. […]

Autoimmune Health During Covid.

Autoimmune Health During Covid.

I have been compiling a list of late… I have had so many friends and acquaintances reach out to me in the past couple months to ask what I am doing to resist Coronavirus and stay healthy.  In all honesty, MOST of what I do […]

I Completely Changed The Way I Clean.

I Completely Changed The Way I Clean.

Well folks, in light of Coronavirus and the massive shortage of things like paper towels and backup on shipping from Amazon, I finally took the plunge.  Quite a while back I went and watched a bunch of YouTuber Dr. Annie’s Experiments and am now sold […]

Why I started Beautycounter: A Story and a Hot Mess!

So hey!  I’ve been doing Beautycounter for about a month now and have loved every minute… probably too much?  I need to set some better boundaries so I sleep more but it’s been a wild and wonderful ride!  I was asked to be part of […]

Why I Haven’t Been Blogging: A TMI Adventure.

Why I Haven’t Been Blogging: A TMI Adventure.

Folks it has been far too long. And in truth I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to revive this blog, or myself in terms of creating and sharing my favorite foods and creations. As I like to write in “bites” I […]

Cultured Butternut Squash Noodles (paleo, vegan, AIP)

Cultured Butternut Squash Noodles (paleo, vegan, AIP)

This is a ferment for those of you who really miss pasta or simply love butternut squash. It is lovely with a coconut bechamel poured over the top or cashew sauce if you can tolerate nuts… (I can’t at the moment). I like to eat […]

Preserved Lemons (Keto, Paleo, Cultured, Vegan, AIP)

Preserved Lemons (Keto, Paleo, Cultured, Vegan, AIP)

It has been a wee while since my last post. We have had a couple emergency room visits in the past week and a half and are adjusting to some new physical limitations. Adjusting to a Hashimoto’s life has been a challenge to say the […]

Vanilla Cinnamon Cold Brew Kefir for a Happy Brain (keto, vegan & paleo options)

Vanilla Cinnamon Cold Brew Kefir for a Happy Brain (keto, vegan & paleo options)

The school year has begun and I have not quite hit my rhythm yet. Kids and homework, yes. Studying for my Nutrition course and blogging? Not so much. One thing at a time. Right now my youngest is happily attending her first day of preschool […]