What is Clean Crafted Wine And Is It Good For My Gut?
The more I work with clients the more evident it becomes that people really do not know what toxins lurk in what they put on their bodies, in their households and on their skin. You would be shocked at what the FDA allows into your food, and they do not even regulate the beauty industry. Food for thought. Many of the chemicals that are allowed are endocrine disrupting, disrupt hormones, cause weight gain & inflammation, destroy the gut, cause intolerances and allergies (like gluten) and even cause cancer.
This is one reason why I have decided to come alongside Scout & Cellar in their clean crafted commitment.
When you have truly clean wines without all the additives and sugar you actually have a product that retains its probiotics. You have something that is GOOD for your gut in moderation rather than destructive. Whereas most store bought wines and even many local winery wines can contain more than 175 unregulated toxins – and happen to contain more sugar than a glazed donut.
The other reason I feel I can partner with this company? I enjoy really good, clean wines that can co-exist with a keto, paleo & autoimmune lifestyle… which they have… and I love the wines. I have a growing list of favorites!
For those who don’t know, I had to give up alcohol when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos… it was really, really sad because I love wine… I enjoy a good red wine and a quality scotch, but it’s not the best when you’re trying to heal and your liver needs all the help it can get! After about a year I was able to reintroduce wine because I found a lab tested wine company that was safe for keto & paleo, and you can read that post here. I was so happy to get to have an occasional glass, but in truth they were enough out of my budget that I was only able to order a case to share once every few months.
In December I stepped in to bring some dōTERRA and essential oil education to a friend’s event when a vendor cancelled. It was fun… I didn’t do much with the oils though because I was having so much conversation and fun (what happens when a busy homeschool mom gets away right?!). I made a new friend and sampled her wines and found I was just fine with them – and found that their lab testing also exceeded my previous favorite. Scout & Cellar‘s clean crafted wines are lab tested TWICE, contain no added sugars and are lower alcohol… so perfect for the health conscious. There is a big difference I have found between clean crafted and organic. Even “good” organic and even biodynamic wines can contain traces of chemicals, mold, additives and sugar and frankly cause me trouble. When something is labeled organic, it means that a company is trying to be clean… but there are things they can’t control and are not required to prove. There are extremely strict standards for Organic… don’t get me wrong, but it does not guarantee safety. Whereas lab testing does.
Just imagine if you could enjoy wines, even the newly introduced “sweet wines” (Moscato & White Zinfandels) and know that they can fit your lifestyle and taste incredible.
Scout & Cellar‘s Clean Crafted Commitment:
- Grapes grown without toxic pesticides or herbicides.
- Wine produced without artificial processing aids or ingredients.
- Lower alcohol
- Delicious wine that is low in sulfites.
The result is a Paleo & Keto friendly, wine that tastes pure and delightful. While the newly introduces Moscato is not what I would drink on keto, it does boast a full ingredient list for full transparency, as do all of Scout & Cellar‘s wines shipping out now.
How can you order, do you ask? One advantage with Scout & Cellar (other than wines delivered to your door!) is that you can order à la carte, and they have sales! (Let me know if you’d like a heads up on that). When you make a $150 order you get a $15 shipping credit toward your next order. But you can also take advantage of two other deals, Scout Club (for the adventurous) and Auto-Sip (if you want the same wines delivered on a schedule). Both options are available Monthly, Bi-Monthly & Quarterly.
So the big question I get asked as a nutrition coach…
Can Wine Help You Build a Stronger Gut?
Wine is the perfect probiotic… and is right up there with kimchi. And most certainly better than kombucha.
Natural wine is incredible.
Simply, natural wine is when a wine is made with organic grapes and native yeast. Nothing is added, nothing is removed. No human intervention.
That means natural wine is alive in the bottle, full of beneficial bacteria and antioxidants. It hasn’t been filtered or chemically altered in any way.
From a taste perspective, this vitality makes each bottle of natural wine a unique experience. Leave the same bottle open on your counter overnight and you’ll wake up to a whole new wine.
But the beauty of living wine goes beyond taste. All those yeasts, bacteria, and colorful compounds that make natural wine delicious also help you live a healthier life. The secret lies in your gut bacteria.
What’s so important about your gut?
Right now, as you’re reading this, trillions of bacteria are thriving in your gut. These little companions outnumber your own cells – you’re actually more bacteria than you are human. Feeding the good bacteria in your gut can give you some glorious health benefits: staying lean, feeling happy, and even being more social.
For example…
- Mycobacterium vaccae, a bacterium that’s naturally in the soil around you, significantly increased happiness in lung cancer patients who took it as a probiotic.
- A diverse gut biome can boost tryptophan. Tryptophan turns into serotonin, the brain chemical that enhances mood. No surprise that a balanced gut can reverse depression and anxiety.
- Diverse gut bacteria can also increase your metabolism, and even affect social skills.
In short, your gut bacteria regulates your health. It helps you look and feel more vibrant.
So, how does wine enhance it?
Wine and the microbiome
Natural wine is alive, which means it’s rich with precious bacteria and compounds that strengthen your microbiome. To name a few …
Polyphenols, the antioxidants that give red wine its color, feed good gut bacteria. They also remove harmful bacteria to make room for the new ones to grow. Two superb sources of polyphenols in your diet are red wine and coffee.
Flavanols and wine aroma compounds protect brain cells from dying in people who drink moderate red wine daily, and ward off Alzheimer’s Disease in mice.
Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grape skins, makes mice leaner by fostering a balanced gut. You may have heard of resveratrol; it gets a lot of attention in the news, but the reality is most red wines have nearly undetectable amounts of it. Wines that have the most are Malbec, Pinot Noir, Petite Syrah, and St. Laurent.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a wild yeast that gives wine a spicy, fruity flavor. But it’s good for more than taste: S. cerevisiae also increases absorption of zinc, magnesium, calcium, and iron through your intestinal wall. Commercial wine is sterilized to get rid of most native yeast, but you’ll find an abundance of S. cerevisiae in natural wine.
Probiotic bacteria also form in wine while it ferments. Commercial wines are filtered to get rid of nearly all bacteria and sediment, but natural wine keeps those beneficial bacteria in. Among them is Pediococcus pentosaceus, a bacterium that attaches to your intestinal wall and protects it from pathogens like E. coli. Wine also contains lactic acid bacteria that have similar probiotic benefits as fermented foods like kimchi and miso, and unique wine probiotics that decrease gut inflammation in mice.
Can wine damage your gut?
It can, although the harmful compounds are either far lower or entirely absent in natural wine.
Sugar can feed the harmful yeast Candida and other pathogens in your gut. Sugar hurts gut bacterial balance and decreases brain function in mice, too. Stick to “dry” wines that are left to fully ferment; they have less than 3g/L of sugar, which tastes crisp and won’t cause bloating.
Alcohol is a toxin for your gut, too. It increases gut permeability (leaky gut), which can cause gut inflammation. Try to find lower alcohol wines — less than 12.5% ABV — to avoid negative effects.
Acetaldehyde is a fermentation byproduct that increases intestinal permeability and makes you feel hungover. During the final steps of fermentation, though, yeasts use up acetaldehyde as fuel, and bacteria break it down. Natural wines typically have far less acetaldehyde because they’re unfiltered and ferment without human intervention.
How to get the healthiest wine for your gut bacteria
The short answer is to get real wine, grown in accordance with nature.
Organic grapes. Grapes grown organically (without pesticides) have more polyphenols and antioxidants than conventional grapes do. Grapevines produce antioxidants as a natural way to protect against microbes and pests. Organic vines aren’t artificially protected by chemical sprays, which means they produce many more antioxidants to survive.
Natural wines. Commercial processing techniques, like extreme filtration, damage or remove many of the good compounds in wine. Manufacturers often replace them with artificial coloring and lab-created yeast strains.
Low sulfites. Sulfites kill bacteria to stabilize a wine. The lower the sulfites, the more alive a wine remains. You can see the difference under a microscope — low-sulfite wine is vibrant with a diverse spectrum of wild bacteria and yeast.
Sugar-free, low-alcohol wine. Sugar and alcohol are the two biggest toxins in wine. Try to find the driest, lowest alcohol wines possible.
By drinking moderate amounts of natural wine, you can help keep the companions in your gut healthy and happy. In turn, they’ll take good care of you.
Message to schedule a tasting and try for yourself… or to chat about how you can come alongside and help change the industry. I may even have an enrollment deal I can share. 🍷😘
Cheers to your health,