French Press Cold Brew

Cold brew is a favorite of mine through the summer months, but even the rest of the year I will have some of the decaf or adaptogenic variety after a workout or on warmer days. I use a 4:1 ratio water to grounds. My preference is Swiss water decaf of organic or high quality, like Four Sigmatic or LifeBoost, but sometimes I go half-caff. And lately more often than not I will mix it with adaptogenic brews like Rasa Cacao or Original, or even Dirty Rasa, which I much prefer cold brewed to hot and topped with a bit of coconut cream. It is a fantastic way to take your adaptogens if you choose to, and for me gives me a clean energy in the afternoons. It is also a lot less expensive than my old adrenal supplements and basically the same thing, but much more enjoyable.

French Press Cold Brew
- French Press
- 1 cup ground coffee or Rasa of choice
- 4 cups water or until French Press is full
- Pour grounds or adaptogen brew into French press and pour cold water over the top. Cover and leave for 12-24 hours.
- Press French press plunger down, pour into a canning jar and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
- Pour 1/4 cup of finished product in a glass (it is EXTREMELY potent) and top up with water, ice and coconut cream or milk of choice if you like.