French Press Cold Brew

French Press Cold Brew

Cold brew is a favorite of mine through the summer months, but even the rest of the year I will have some of the decaf or adaptogenic variety after a workout or on warmer days.  I use a 4:1 ratio water to grounds.  My preference is Swiss water decaf of organic or high quality, like Four Sigmatic or LifeBoost, but sometimes I go half-caff.  And lately more often than not I will mix it with adaptogenic brews like Rasa Cacao or Original, or even Dirty Rasa, which I much prefer cold brewed to hot and topped with a bit of coconut cream.  It is a fantastic way to take your adaptogens if you choose to, and for me gives me a clean energy in the afternoons.  It is also a lot less expensive than my old adrenal supplements and basically the same thing, but much more enjoyable.


French Press Cold Brew

Brenna May
Can be made with organic coffee, Swiss water organic decaf coffee or Dirty Rasa Adaptogenic coffee brew.
Prep Time 3 minutes
12 hours
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American


  • French Press


  • 1 cup ground coffee or Rasa of choice
  • 4 cups water or until French Press is full


  • Pour grounds or adaptogen brew into French press and pour cold water over the top. Cover and leave for 12-24 hours.
  • Press French press plunger down, pour into a canning jar and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
  • Pour 1/4 cup of finished product in a glass (it is EXTREMELY potent) and top up with water, ice and coconut cream or milk of choice if you like.
Keyword adaptogen brew, cold brew
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