Tag: Beautycounter

What to Know About Progesterone

What to Know About Progesterone

As a woman, you have many different hormones to consider, which can affect your fertility and various other physical health issues. One of the hormones to be aware of is progesterone. Let’s chat about this hormone and how you can balance it properly. About Progesterone 

Which One Of These Does Not Belong?

Which One Of These Does Not Belong?

Trick question!  They all do.  They are all formulated to protect your microbiome.  Fermented food for the inside and super healing hydration for your body’s front line: your skin. I’m Brenna May and I’m a believer, a wife, mother, autoimmune warrior, foodie, fermento, health nut, 

Using Beautycounter to Treat and Cover Melasma (Hyperpigmentation)

Using Beautycounter to Treat and Cover Melasma (Hyperpigmentation)

Hey folks,

This is just a quick video about treating my Melasma with Beautycounter products followed by the makeup products I use to cover it up safely and effectively.

I wish it were quicker but I’m learning… Feel free to ask questions about the products and if you’re interested in becoming a consultant I would love to talk with you! You can find out more about why I joined BC as a clean beauty advocate in my shop link or about the products by visiting my Beautycounter Sales Page.  This new business is how I am able to stay healthy and pay for the supplements I need to heal from Hashimoto’s and from all those nasty critters I picked up on the mission field.  I believe in the company and the products or I wouldn’t have them on my body.  I’m happy to answer any questions you have!

BC Products used: Countertime Collection, Overnight Resurfacing Peel, No 1 Brightening Oil, Tint Skin in Linen & Sand, Touchup Concealer Pen in Light, Black Eye Pencil, Lengthening Mascara, Nectar Blush, Mattefying Powder, Sheer Lipstick in Twig.

With joy,

Brenna May


Thrive Market

Trying an LED Light Beauty Mask!  Crazy pants.

Trying an LED Light Beauty Mask! Crazy pants.

Hey Party People! This crazy contraption was given to me by a very lovely and generous friend.  I have been a little intimidated to use it but this morning I gave it a go and it was really fun. This is just a quick video