Tag: bbq

Truffle & Beetroot Cultured Barbecue Sauce (nightshade-free, keto, paleo, vegan)

Truffle & Beetroot Cultured Barbecue Sauce (nightshade-free, keto, paleo, vegan)

This recipe is an adaptation of my cultured barbecue sauce. As I said in that post, among the first ferments I attempted was barbecue sauce. Since my Hashimoto’s Diagnosis I have been honing what I can and cannot consume… so this barbecue sauce is sans 

Cultured Barbecue Sauce… Minus the Nasties

Cultured Barbecue Sauce… Minus the Nasties

One of the first things I learned to ferment was barbecue sauce. I had always wanted to give it a go, but my newfound resistance to refined sugars and the discovery that I could inject nearly any food with probiotics naturally put me over the