This smoothie is packed with adaptogens, medicinal mushrooms and healthy fats and is quick and satisfying.
Ancient Nutrition Vanilla Bone Broth Protein is available in my Fullscript Dispensary* If you prefer a vegan option, there is a plant based version from Ancient Nutrition there as well. Rasa Cacao is adaptogenic magic with the added bonus of having hair follicle stimulating He Shou Wu and it is available here. I am close to obsessed with Rasa. I drink their Calm brew in the evening and a scoop of their Bold in my Swiss water organic decaf coffee in the morning because it gives sustainable energy and supports my adrenals. Adrenal support is Rasa’s M.O. and they do it quite well. I recommend brewing it in either a french press for 15 minutes or in a stovetop espresso maker.
I love smoothies for breaking my fast because they are quick, yummy and meet my nutritional needs. As a bonus, I’m not too full to get in a run or kettlebell workout for de-stressing after a long morning. If you try this I would love to know what you think! If you would like me to send you a Wellevate recommendation with my favorite smoothie ingredients send me a message here.
Brenna 💛
Rasa Adaptogenic Cacao Smoothie 🤎
Brenna May
This smoothie is packed with adaptogens, medicinal mushrooms and healthy fats and is quick and satisfying.
Prep Time 18 minutes mins
Course Breakfast, Dessert, Lunch
Cuisine aip, keto, paleo
- 1 cup ice
- 1 cup brewed rasa
- 1/4 avocado
- 1 scoop Vanilla Bone Broth Protein or 1 pack EQ Chocolate Pea Protein*
- 1 scoop OM Master Mushroom Blend
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1-2 tbsp coconut kefir yogurt
Keyword adaptogen brew, bone broth, smoothie
*I sometimes add modified citrus pectin from EcoNugenics (PectaSol-C) as it is an extremely powerful immune modulator, detoxifier and supports cardiovascular and cellular health. It doesn’t taste like much so blends into everything. Also available in my Fullscript Dispensary.