Food, and the creation of it, energizes me. Nutrition, health and all it’s geeky components energize me and I completely geek out on this stuff.
This blog is meant to feed my soul and yours, but also to help put food on the table. At this stage I’m not selling cookbooks, but rather sharing recipes. If you really like my recipes and want to thank me, you can totally feel free to buy me a cup of coffee. I will not complain! My blog does not yet have the following to have some of the bigger affiliate programs but I do receive a commission from many of the links I have posted and through my shop links. I so appreciate you following me and please share this blog with your friends and loved ones if you enjoy it!
I sometimes have kefir grains for sale through our family Etsy shop. I am an advocate for a clean beauty company called Crunchi, who are the current leaders in clean skincare & makeup. I also am still a consultant for Beautycounter but have moved away from a lot of their skincare and makeup because they still use phenoxyethanol, which is a petroleum based preservative common to “natural” skincare products but has been shown in recent research to be damaging. That being said, they still have the best and most effective clean deodorant on the market as well as the best clean shampoo & conditioner I have tried. I am a wellness advocate for dōTERRA Essential Oils because of their missional business model (they support small farms instead of buying them out or driving them out) and because of their extremely transparent heavy metal testing. I am a practitioner with Fullscript, which is an online supplement & health product dispensary for doctors and other health practitioners. You can enjoy a 20% discount on my entire dispensary here.
These are some businesses that feed my children and support my family. Food and health are my love and these companies fit with my ethos, interest and advocacy. If you are interested in any of these businesses please reach out to me or explore my shop links to get acquainted.
I hope you really do enjoy my creations. It is a kind of love language for me, and I cook for a family with widely different taste buds so the recipes will be varied from bitter-bitter sweet and spicy to plain and simple “fooled you” nutritious.
Be aware of your blessings,
Brenna May