Month: May 2020

Which One Of These Does Not Belong?

Which One Of These Does Not Belong?

Trick question!  They all do.  They are all formulated to protect your microbiome.  Fermented food for the inside and super healing hydration for your body’s front line: your skin. I’m Brenna May and I’m a believer, a wife, mother, autoimmune warrior, foodie, fermento, health nut, 

Cultured Cauliflower Fir Tip Hummus (Keto, Vegan)

Cultured Cauliflower Fir Tip Hummus (Keto, Vegan)

This cauliflower version of my fir tip hummus is one step further in the keto camp than my chickpea version.  I struggled with cauliflower hummus as a concept and found the flavor just too sulfuric until I realized it blended well with other elements to